Join us on Saturday, October 21 at 1:00 for a meeting at the Moore Free Library in Newfane. Our guest speaker will be Kirk Webster. Kirk is the owner and operator of Champlain Valley Bees & Queens in Middlebury, Vermont. He produces Russian Queens and nucs, as well as honey, and his apiary has been treatment free since 2002. His subject will be: Nucs and 20 years of treatment free bees.
There will be a $10.00 charge for non-members that will also get you a club membership. Space will be limited, RSVP to our WCB email to guarantee your spot.
If you don’t know how to get to the Moore Free Library in Newfane, email us at and we’ll give you directions. And if you are not a WCB member yet, we’ll sign you up at the meeting!