WCB open hive: August 31

Join us on Saturday, August 31 at 1 pm for an open hive at our club yard in Newfane.

We will inspect our club hives and test for mites.  Jeff B will tell us all about the art of bee lining and demonstrate how to use bee lining tools.  Bring your questions and ideas to share with like-minded beekeepers!

Remember to bring veils and wear proper shoes and clothing.  Let us know ahead of time if you don’t have a veil, we will provide one for you. If you don’t know how to get to the club yard in Newfane, email us at windhamcountybeekeepers@gmail.com and we’ll give you directions. And if you are not a WCB member yet, we’ll sign you up at the open hive.

Individuals pay $10 a year to join WCB; families pay $15. Check out the Windham County Beekeepers website for more information. If you’d like to add something to any of the site pages, let us know. 

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