Thanks to all for a great meeting on March 16! I’ll send out minutes in the next few weeks. Voted in the president (Jeff B) and secretary (Richard C), worked on the bylaws (decided on dues) and the logo, and Jeff led a lively talk on the beekeeper’s toolbox. Hope everybody learned some new tips – I know I did. I also know several people took some turkey feathers to use in lieu of the dreaded bee brush.
Richard C donated a nuc he built for a raffle. Rob M ran the raffle ($10 each) and got all 20 tickets sold. Nate Shipman won it. Enjoy, Nate! Thanks for the box and the frames, Richard! We ended up with donations, as well: $290 to put WCB in the black. Thank you, everybody!
*Edited to add: Jeff reminded me that the raffle was a soup-to-nuc raffle. WeisBatty Bees (Jeff Battaglini and Lesley Weisbrot) is donating the bees for the nuc Nate won. Jeff will guide Nate through the process. Team effort! 🙂
Peter Hadeka made the trip from up north again and brought some goodies: birdhouses he made and show and tell items (including the black winter wrap and the winter hive vent). We raffled the birdhouses off as door prizes, as well as Jeff B’s scrapers. Thank you to both Peter and Jeff B.
Looking forward to seeing everybody at the next meeting on April 13. Details to follow. Here’s hoping the bees get some flying weather soon!
If anybody has any questions, email Jeff B at